Monday, February 28, 2011

Return to Me and Sing For Joy.

February 28, 2011


This was the first morning I had run in 3 DAYS!

Not to mention, last night, when I came in, I definitely did NOT FALL ASLEEP when my head hit the pillow. Nope. Lucky for me, Deb was COMPLETELY AWAKE! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! SO good J. Let’s just say, “dying rooster” sounds. What?! It MUST have been midnight…

So when the alarm went off after 5 hours of sleep, I was surprised to be awake AT ALL!

Even still, Morgs and I were off like a shot! They call us “the Blurr”- you can’t even see the difference between the two of us, we’re so fast! Whoa.

So there we were, Blurring, when BAM, two ZEBRA right in our path! WHAT IS THIS?! They weren’t even in grass. They were standing on the barren, ugly DIRT. Come on, now guys! You deserve better than this!!!

I thought we were going to turn around and do the run of DEATH… which is funny, because in both circumstances, we were going to die. We would either die of RUNNING UP THOSE STUPID HILLS or by being trampled by zebra. Yes, I KNOW they look so cuddly and fun, but in actuality, they are VICIOUS! Vicious, I tell you!

“Morgan, maybe we should do the evil run.”
“But I hate the evil run!”
“Yeah, so do I! But what can we do?!”
“We can take them, Renna.”
“WHAT are you TALKING ABOUT?! Those are wild animals, Morgan! They could DEMOLISH US!”
“Renna, I am NOT going the other way! I hate it! I CAN’T!”
“Ok, but WHAT are we going to DO?!”
“GOOOOOO!!!” Morgan urges as she breaks through the comfort zone between the beasts and the beauties! (Just kidding J)

And so, we went. I guess those two-toned horses thought better of attacking us. I mean, we HAVE been working out.

I, ladies and gentlemen, have DISCOVERED the secret of running!! All you have to do is realize it will NEVER be easy, so you just can’t stop. No matter how fast your heart is beating, how badly your calves hurt, how your side aches, and how your lungs struggle! CARRY ON, through the pain! Since I learned the secret and all, today’s torture run was positive! I am officially on my way to mastering this run. BAM.

For quiet time, I am currently reading through Isaiah. This book is quite complex. It is crammed with prophecies, and many of them are prophecies of woe. That is definitely not the Hallmark card positivity I am craving at this moment in time. I was telling God this, letting Him in on my plan to skip onto another more positive book. However, He was not happy with this idea. FINE! You win, God. I’ll read the woes. Grumble, grumble.
But you know what? The Lord rewarded me. I have found such beautiful, encouraging, vivid verses that sparkle and inspire.

Remember these things, O Jacob, for you are my servant, O Israel. I have made you, you are my servant. O Israel, I will not forget you. I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you. Sing for JOY, O heavens, for the Lord has done this; should aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the Lord has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel.”

I love the imagery. My sins are swept away like morning mist. There is extremely prevalent mist here. It’s thick and dense and overpowering. But my God clears it away to reveal a beautiful sunrise that is bright and warm and gorgeous. I am freed through grace, as I have been redeemed. How could I not sing for joy?! I automatically love any verse with JOY in it, as this is what the Lord is teaching me.

In the verses previous to these, it talks about idolatry. Isaiah speaks of how men chop down trees. They use half to cook their food in the fire, and the other half to build an idol. Where is the logic in that? How could YOU create something to worship, let alone create the idol out of what is currently cooking the chicken? WHERE is the sense in that?

At first, I was chuckling smugly. Who would do this? That is so lame. But then I realized, why am I laughing? Just because I don’t carve my idols out of wood doesn’t mean I don’t have idols. I don’t mean to, but I put things before God all of the time, therefore, I take part in idolatry.

I didn’t know exactly why God wanted me to go shoeless and facebookless this week. But I knew I was supposed to.

Maybe this is why.

Lord, every time I stub my toe on a rock or miss facebook this week, help me to focus on you. Remind me to put you first every moment. God be my protector (shoes) and my obsession (Ahem. Rhymes with shmace shmook).

Today, I think leading worship was positive. I was really trying to focus on the Lord. But it’s a hard transition. I am used to singing for the spotlight or for shows or good causes. But to be completely sacrificial in something I have pretty much dedicated a lot of my life to? It’s a new experience. I am happy to report that I am learning.

I just realized how much I truly love to write. Which is positive considering how much I have composed today. Whew.

The big event of the day? Probably a mall run with MORGAN! Wooooo!! I love this girl so much J. We went on a secret mission to find healthy snacks such as nuts. Well, we did find nuts. They were just covered in chocolate. HOLY HOSANNA they are PHENOMENAL! I am officially kind of obsessed. And by kind of, I mean a LOT.

I also got a giant water bottle. You guys, I am a fish. I cannot drink enough water! I always steal water bottles from class….

…Oh yes, fun fact. Before every single class, the staff sets out cold water bottles and mints on EVERY table! It’s so great! But SOME PEOPLE don’t take their hydration seriously. So I steal their waters. I have a collection in my room. But I felt bad being so anti-environmental. SO today, I bought a water bottle. Wooooo!

No shoes has been hard. And it’s only day one. Last night, I did a test drive, and it was super chill. Today all of a sudden, BAM it HURTS! WHAT IS THIS?! I am noticing different textures, much more than rough or smooth. I am noticing cool or warm, density, etc. I am not quite sure what God wants me to be praying for right now. If you have prayer requests, please email me! I’d love to be praying for you, specifically this week!

Tyler drew me for art today. What do you think?

For ONCE in my life, I haven’t been doing the reading for one of my classes: intercom.
Wow. I have a new name for this class. “Common sense 101.” Or rather, “Common sense for dummies -101.”

Apparently, for service sites, we are supposed to accept gifts, like food or if someone offers me a chair. If you don’t accept it, you’re rude. Interesting.

Yep, today was a long blog. This is what happens when I have no facebook to suck my life away. I get deep and excited about what the Lord is showing me. Whoa. Should have done this a long time ago. But what about the shoes, Lord? If anything, I am becoming more comfortable in myself… I am not a huge fan of my feet. I pretty much ALWAYS wear closed-toed shoes. So now, I kind of HAVE to be ok with them. I am also learning how to be grateful for shoes.

I am definitely obsessed with photography as of today. Hurrah!

Huge day. The end. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

No Prayer Chapel after Singing to the King.

February 27, 2011

This was somewhat of a confusing day.
I woke up at 7:30 thinking, “OHMYGOSH I MISSED CHURCH!!!!” and was totally depressed! But then I realized… I had NOT missed it. But everyone and their mother decided to sleep in today so it was a GHOST TOWN! So empty!

This lead me to the decision of attending church TONIGHT instead of this morning and having quiet time instead.

My quiet time was exceedingly successful. I read Isaiah and completely enjoyed it! I also got a lot of prayer and journal time in. I know what you’re thinking. She JOURNALS TOO?! Isn’t BLOGGING extensive amounts DAILY ENOUGH?! But no, mi amigos. The written word captivates me. Plus I’ve got a cool journal, so I can’t really NOT use it.

Then I got some MAJOR skype time! At first I was DEPRESSED, because I realize I missed my skype date with Francesca and Danielle… How DARE I be asleep at 5:30?! Ugh. BUT! I got to talk to the mama, which was positive. And RIGHT as Mom signed off, WHO would call me, but the one and only gremlins themselves?! Ah, FATE!

I really needed this chat. So positive, encouraging, necessary, etc. You two are good for the soul. Just saying J I skipped lunch to talk to these lovelies, so Debs made me a PB&J! MY FAVORITE! I enjoyed it immensely, just in case you wanted to know J

Then I actually buckled down and did some Zulu. Not going to lie, I was proud of myself. Why?... who KNOWS.

Aaaaand promptly at 5:45, a bunch of us headed out to SUPER SUNDAY at North Hills Church! It is our SECOND SUPER SUNDAY, meaning, obviously, this is our SECOND month here! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!! So crazy!!! The service was quite positive indeed, but not mind blowing.

The pastor spoke about how God is the only one that can fill your every need and desire. True THAT.

Upon returning, there was worship practice! WOOOO! I get to lead my favorite song, my secret DREAM song, “Sing to the King” on guitar AND vocals tomorrow! Hurrah!!! So happy! And I am playing on two other songs as well. Yayyyy J

After practice, I went to the prayer chapel. The lights were dark. I go inside, and THERE, sleeping, AGAIN, is this black man! This is the SECOND week in a ROW! I just want some Jesus time in the prayer chapel! Is that so WRONG, for PETE’S SAKE?!

I decided I wasn’t quite ready to go back to my room…

…. So here I sit, composing this OH so lovely blog OUTSIDE of the prayer chapel. This would be a lovely situation if there were stars out tonight. But alas, SIGH.

Sigh. Again.

Ok a bull frog is croaking. Weird.

Welp. Guess I better get some shut eye… running begins again tomorrow morning!! I hope I’m as excited tomorrow as I am now J

Good night, moon.
Good night, world.
Good night those I’ll see soon.
Good night, you with your hair curled….? Meh, it rhymes J

Miss Fruitcake, the Zip Liner!

February 26, 2011

I missed Morgan a lot today! No one to enjoy the sunrise with!

And now, a poem for Morgan Peterson entitled, "Come Back."

I miss you. Come back. 

And I stole a blue ribbon to honor you :)

And I miss running. Come back.

Yep. I should change majors to English. Wow. Sometimes, I astound even myself :)

The main event of my day, or rather, my LIFE, was….

Drumroll, please….


If I had to choose a super power, hands-down, it would be flying. There is no question. I also saw zip lining as training for bungie jumping!

I had the best zip lining group ever: PJ, Destiny, Annaliessa, Debs, Rachel, Sophia, and Mackenzie. So much fun.

It was literally like flying!!! That was the only way to describe it.

Best part: Obviously, I was very excited. Richard, one of our tour guides, looked at me and was all, “How old are you?!” Um… well… you have to be 18 to go without a guardian signature… so I definitely had to twist the truth…. Which I feel bad about, but come on. I had to go zip lining. In AFRICA, for Pete’s sake!
“I’m 18.”
“How long have you been in Africa?”
“About a month. How long have you been in Africa?” Now he started laughing at me. Obviously, he was African.
“I was bohn heh! “(<- accent.->) “You ah a fwoootcake. Ah you ready, Miss fwoootcake?”
Hmm. Miss fruitcake. Positive? Negative? I don’t know. But from that moment on, I was Miss Fruitcake. Sure, why not?

Once again, I have found my new profession! That means I will be a dolphin trainer/ zip lining instructor. Oh YEAH!

Ok, it was so BEAUTIFUL. I was in awe! The scenery looked PAINTED. I couldn’t handle it. Definite hallelujah moments.

The rest of the day, I pretty much hung out with Zach. Which was awesome. Besides amazing God talk and laughter, I finally discovered the powder-water ratio for magnificent hot chocolate. I’d call that success.

A completely positive day J Hurrah!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Waste Not a Moment.

February 25, 2011


Morgan left me to go to another COUNTRY for Pete’s sake… I am so jealous! (It was for Human Growth. Boo) But anyway, this allowed me to sleep in until 7:00! Wooooooooo! And then, who should call me besides my lovely Danielle and Francesca?! Such a good way to start my day!!!

OH yes, and I got to see Hannah and Mckenna!!! What a beautiful surprise!!!! You guys, I LOVE MY VIDEO!!!!  I would record you one… but I can’t. Ahem. So, instead, I give you a shout out on my lovely blog J Yes? Yes. HANNAH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! SO GREAT!!!!!!! When are nationals?!!?!?! Yaaaaayyyy!!!! Mckenna. I miss you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

Singing for chapel was amazing. I LOVED the songs we did. AH. It was such a great worship time. I hope everyone else thought so too!

The speaker talked about how God used him in computer science. It was such a great reminder that I CAN be used in theatre by the Lord! HA!

Then Zulu took yet ANOTHER trip! Woot! This time it was to a little market named after a waterfall. It was really fun. I got a super cool bag that was made in the Himalayas and looks like a sunset. I also got an African spoon! This is my dream: In my house, I want to have collected silverware from ALL over the WORLD! So this was my first spoon for my future household J Yaaaay!

After going to the market, we went to Pietermaritzberg and walked around for two hours. By this time, we were all beat and just kinda wanted to leave. At the very end, Wailana, Allie, Shayna and I went into this BEAUTIFUL building, just because it was pretty, and were all, “Hi… we’re Americans…. What is this?” Turns out it was City Hall! JACKPOT! The architecture was GORGEOUS. Ohmygoodness. And the man we asked happened to be City Hall security. He took it upon himself to give us a tour of the building, and walk us across the street to the art museum and ALSO give us a tour of that! He was so nice! One of life’s lovely gifts. Shmanks J

Upon reentry, I buckled down and did some Zulu homework. Meh. Still have more to go…

At dinner, I talked to one of the CLC’s, Sarah Jane. One of her boyfriend’s friends was not a Christian. It had been on her heart to tell him about the Lord. Each time she tried, she was interrupted. Today, he died. I don’t know what he died of…

I am so sad for Sarah Jane. It is once again a reminder that life is SO short! What are you doing to make it count?!

I always remember this story: A Christian boy was riding on a bus with many of his friends, who did not follow God. The bus crashed and they died. After dying, they were faced with the golden gates of heaven.
All the boys asked, “What is this place? Where are we?”
 The Christian replied, “Oh, this is the entrance to heaven, where we will be judged!”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” the boys asked.

Our faith is not something that is to be kept secret. We have no idea which day, which moment, will be our last.

I went to the prayer chapel to journal and pray things out. I LOVE the prayer chapel. I journaled for a good long time, and then may or may not have fell asleep. God work me up literally one minute before worship night began!

I sprinted all the way there. MADE IT.

May it be known: I love worship nights. They are truly great. I wish they happened weekly.

Afterwards, I got to pray and talk with Kara. I am trying to be vulnerable and honest so that the Lord can truly grow me. That, folks, is HARD. I am not used to honesty. But, how can God fix what I am struggling to hold way deep down inside? That is a lesson I learned yesterday.

ZIP LINING TOMORROW!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waste not a moment, my friends. Waste not a moment. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How He Loves Us

February 24, 2011

Ok, my run was AWESOME TODAY! I think part of it was when I woke up, I distinctly had the JOY of the LORD! Unmistakably! I thought, “Wow, I am SO blessed to be able to be in South Africa and have the freedom to go run to one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen!” I also discovered that this run will never be easy. So I might as well suck it up and RUN as hard as I can! So today, I ran the most I ever have! I was so happy! There are not many things that give you as much satisfaction as knowing you conquered a physical feat! Oh yeah, ridin’ high. Woot!

We finished Slumdog Millionaire in Intercom today. SO GOOD!!! What a MAGNIFICENT FILM!!!! I am in awe!!!!

Yep, one more notch WOULD do it, Clive. You know, it’s so funny. Whenever we’re supposed to have a group discussion, it turns into Storytime with Clive. Hmm… Sometimes I wonder if he is trying to fill our four hours of class time with sheer words.

Invictus is SO MUCH BETTER after you’ve been to South Africa. Before, I found it great, but somewhat slow. But now I realize that it truly captures the great struggle the new South Africa faced. AH! So accurate!!! Nelson Mandela was SUCH an excellent man. Wow. But I did notice that Morgan Freeman’s pronunciation of “a’s” are slightly off. Ha. I think it’s funny that I can catch that.

“Forgiveness liberates the soul. It gets rid of fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon.”

I really, really love it here.

For lunch we had ZULU BREAD!!!! The best thing in the WHOLE WORLD!!!!!! Jumping for JOY!!! I stole a piece for later J

Zach and I decided to go for a walk in the reserve. GREAT talk! Pretty much about Jesus… This kid is super wise. I always learn so much about the Lord and myself when talking to him! Thanks, Zach J

I am joining the Friday worship team tomorrow. We are singing two of the BEST SONGS EVER:

You Never Let Go (my theme song)
How He Loves Us (written on the cover of my Bible—courtesy of Francesca Fromang):

He is jealous for me

Love's like a hurricane,

I am a tree 

Bending beneath the weight of 
His wind and mercy 

When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory 

and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great your affections are for me. 

 Oh, how He loves us  

Oh, how He loves us 

How He loves us

We are His portion and 
He is our prize, 

Drawn to redemption 
by the grace in His eyes 

If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking 

So heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss
and my heart turns 
violently inside of my chest 

I don't have time to maintain these regrets
when I think about the way 

He loves us,

Oh, how He loves us

Oh, how He loves us

OH, how He loves 

This is something the Lord is teaching me, specifically today.

It shall be lovely.


And I love my life.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


February 23, 2011

Hi, I’m Renna Nightingale and I am an INFJ.

I ntroverted
IN tuitive
F eeling
J udging

What are you?

Destiny is kind of obsessed with personality tests and last night she convinced me to take the Myers Briggs. Before taking it, she told me she thought I was extraverted! I think that is so interesting! Am I allowed to take that as a compliment?? To me, extravert-ism is thriving well around people. Lame? Ok, fine. But still. I am going to see that as a compliment.

Another revelation: I think I have been confusing introverted-ness with lack of confidence. I was talking to Rachel today about being insecure, and once again, she was all, “RENNA! I don’t know why you say that because the first time I met you, I was blown away by your confidence!” This keeps happening. Maybe, just maybe, I am NOT unconfident. MAYBE I am just uncomfortable with being introverted. PSHHH. I feel like that is a WAY easier issue to fix! If this diagnosis is correct, man, I am IN THE MONEY!! WOOOO!!!!

Today in History and Culture, we finished that movie about Apartheid and Steve Biko. It was SO hardcore. It was banded in South Africa because it was made during Apartheid. Reg says this is the most accurate film about Apartheid in existence. There were instances in the movie where I have BEEN to the location! I have LEARNED about the event! I was moved to tears.

I realized something that may scare those of you who like having me around.

I am in love with Africa. I love the people. I love their attitude of helping one another, and feeling each other’s pain! I love their idea of family as being forever. I love this landscape. I love the sunrises and the trees and the grass and the ever-changing weather and the relaxed atmosphere and the hope… I could go on all day!

I don’t want to leave.

Francesca told me this would happen. But I didn’t believe her J. Yep. She was right.

I also realized what a different person I have become. It has been a month, and already, I feel like a new person. I have not forgotten the old me, but I feel like I have improved, I guess, in many ways.

My eyes are so much more open. I am much more accepting of new ways of life and new people and new customs and new traditions… I feel that my heart has become much more empathetic and compassionate.

I have never had a stronger desire to help people than today.

I feel like I am a much more relaxed, chill (if you will!) person.

And yet I have still managed to find JOY! I was reading an essay I wrote about a month ago for applying to ROME! (!!!!!) And I realized I had an exclamation point after pretty much EVERY sentence. Ahem. I think that’s how I live my life. There are no periods or question marks. Only exclamation points! And I’m ok with that J

So far, I think I have done a commendable job focusing on joy instead of fear today! I’m happy J

I went to the mall today, and mostly decided to go solo. At the beginning of this trip, that was my NIGHTMARE! I get lost ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE and I didn’t want to get lost in a MALL in SOUTH AFRICA! But today, I decided I was ready for the challenge. It was so peaceful. I loved walking around by myself, completely aware of the people around me. It was nice to have that independence, as well as a little quiet time J Besides, although I have had favorable shopping experiences so far, I still have yet to find a shopping buddy like oMama. (<- Yeah, that’s Zulu. For my mama. Aren’t you glad I translated? J) That was positive!

Fun fact: Even pedestrian flow of traffic in the mall is to the left. Hmm.

Right now I have THAT feeling. You know the one you wish you could bottle it and keep it for a rainy day? Where you heart soars and the world looks bright and a smile is ever gracing your lips? This is where I am now. I know I won’t feel like this forever… but I am savoring it while it lasts J. I am dancing in the glorious blessings of my amazing Father.


Tangled with Giraffes?!

February 22, 2011
What. A. Day. SIGH!

My lovely day began right at 5:30. Morgan and I literally saw the most beautiful sight of my life. We stopped running and just stared at the sunrise. Words cannot explain the magnificence. All I’m going to say is? There was mist. AH.

After running, I went back to sleep until 10:00! SUCH a genius idea!!! Oh, the GLORY! Then Debs walked in the room (she returned from tea) and was all, “Hey aren’t you going on that field trip thing?” WHAT?! OH! The Zulu field trip! Baba Philip, our driver, had offered to take our Zulu class to see giraffes “at this pleh-ce rrright ne-uh my how-use” (translation: at this place right near his house.)

I SPRUNG out of bed, pulled on my overalls and skidaddled! They waited for me J it was so nice, because AE has a strict no-wait policy! People are left behind ALL THE TIME.

When we arrived at Baba’s nature reserve, I was kind of confused. If you remember from Friday, we went to this GORGEOUS place that was flawless and amazing and phenomenal. Today? Well… let’s just say we were trailblazers. We would hike in the BLAZING African heat for about 15 minutes and then Baba would say, “It not dis way. We turn round.” We turned round about three times. It was SO hot! My water had run out! The desert was overtaking me!

Just when Baba told us he had given up and we should return to our lovely vehicle of transport, Colton, being manly and all (literally. His last name is “Manly.”) decided to climb a tree and visually hunt for these stealthy giraffes.

I had given up hope. There was NO WAY we were going to see these monstrous beasts!

But then, “I FOUND ONE!!!!”

Liana and I raced towards Colton! But soon, our “racing” turned into slow maneuvering. There was no longer a trail. The grass/ weeds/ brush/ thorn bushes were five feet tall. FIVE FEET TALL!!!! What is a girl to do?! Every five seconds, you’d hear an “OW! AHH! SHOOT! DANNGIT!” The “ow”s were from the rocks hidden by the grass. The “ahh”s were from getting weeds stuck in you (shudder, shudder), the “shoots” were from getting tangled in the brush (it was super intense brush. No kidding.) and the WORST sound of all, “danngit,” came from the thorn bushes. AH, the AGONY!!! These suckers had throns about an inch long! So nasty! I have many a scratch and cut. “That dang giraffe had better be worth it,” I thought.

Well, I needn’t have worried.

Colton said there was one giraffe.

He obviously needs to take a math class because there were twenty one giraffes.

BAHHH!!! We were SO excited! We got completely close to them. We’re talking like all up in their business. I would say we were about ten to fifteen feet away? (I stink at measurements, but you get the idea… we were CLOSE.) So pretty much, it was glorious.

When we got back, Colton helped me climb a tree. It was super successful! I think I shall spend a year of my life in a tree. But then it started raining, thundering, and lightning-ing, so we ditched! But while it lasted, it was great J.

After dinner, about 30 of us went to see Tangled.

Ok, for those of you who DON’T know, I maybe might have a slight obsession with this film. Like, this may or may not have been my 6th time to see it. Ahem.

We arrived early, so Lindsay and I got sprinkle covered ice cream for less than a dollar! SCORE! But we couldn’t take it inside the theater… so Lindsay, Mackenzie and I were talking about favorite books while we finished our ice cream. When we had finished, we were still deep in conversation when we entered the theater.

Here, you have assigned seats for movies! Whodda thunk?!

Mackenzie realized there was someone sitting in his seat… this should have been our first clue. We snagged some random seats. A commercial for “How Do You Know” was playing. Side note: If you haven’t seen this film, don’t. Really. You will thank me later. It was a WASTE OF MY LIFE! I couldn’t help noticing that this was a REALLY long trailer! WHAT is the DEAL?! And then… I looked around and realized that there were definitely no APU people in that theater.

Yep. The dumb Americans went in the WRONG theater. We ran away!

Take TWO: In the RIGHT theatre, will ALL Americans that I happen to know and love. HURRAH!!! AH, I was SO excited. On one side, I had Lindsay who loves Tangled ALMOST as much as I do, so it was PERFECT to watch it with her! And on the other side, I had Mackenzie who wouldn’t let me sing along. Pshh. Newbie.

At the CLIMAX of the film, RIGHT after SOMETHING happened to Flynn (I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t seen it!), the sound shut off!!!! But never fear!!! Lindsay and I took over in the voice over department. We had seen it enough times, so obviously, we shouted the lines for the cartoon.

LINDSAY/ FLYNN: “You were my new dream!”
REN/ RAPUNZEL: “And you were mine!”

BOTH: "Flower! Gleam and glooooow! Let you power shiiiiine! Make the clock reverse! Bring back what once was miiiiiine! What once was miiiiiine.” Yeah, we pretty much rocked it.

But then PJ got them to turn the sound back on, so it was ok J

It was perhaps the best night so far. Obviously.

When we got back, there was D group. So good!

Sigh. A great day. Truly fantastic J

Monday, February 21, 2011

THREE For the Price of ONE!

February 19, 20 AND 21, 2011

BAD NEWS: I missed out on two days of blogging. My heart HURTS! I have already gone through a WHOLE Kleenex box because of the pain my lack of blogging has caused me!

GOOD NEWS: You get to read about all of the HIGHLIGHTS and NONE of the BORING parts!!! WOOOOO!! Celebration!!! I kind of hope none of what I shared has been boring…. But ANYWAY!

Hold onto your hats and glasses, ‘cause HERE WE GO!!!!!

February 19:
Trip to DURBAN!! Full day with a water park, the beach, and a rugby match! A true dosage of South Africa, or so I gather!

The water park was nice. My favorite part was the dolphin show! There was definitely some synchronized swimming going on there! But besides that… I can’t say I was speechless.. But I did consider a career change to a dolphin trainer, so I felt like that means it was positive? Yes? Ok J.

After the miraculous (cough, cough.) dolphin show, Kayla and I went to the beach. It was so great to talk to her! I love that girl! Can’t wait to get to know her even better J. Then I went in the ocean. The waves were high, and deceptively weak. I always thought I was going to DROWN by the looks of those suckers! But indeed, I was fine.

That brings to mind a metaphor. Our issues in life are just like the Indian Ocean (I would know. HAHA! J) They look so menacing! They look like they will knock you over, pull you down, and drown you. But take heart! Because they won’t. Stronger is He who has overcome the world than he who is in it. My mama shared a quote with me a while back: “Tossed by the waves, she does not sink.” I believe it is a Greek phrase translated into English. It reminds me to fix my gaze on He who solves my problems! I cannot be shaken by the things of this world.
Case and point: there are lessons to be learned from the Indian Ocean! Check mate.

To get rid of the beach sand that had somehow attached to every part of our bodies, Shelli, Destiny and I went into the water park! HAHA! Working the system! Whoa! Getting crazy! There, I enjoyed my first water park rides.

And I realized why I had never been to a water park.

I kept thinking, “WHERE IS DISNEYLAND?!”

I am a hopeless case. Disney fan for life. What can I say?

Finally, we went to a rugby game! We all painted our faces! I felt SO hardcore. MHM.

Guess WHAT?! I liked rugby! It was WAY shorter than American football. It was way more fun to watch… It was faster-paced… Yep. Rugby is the next best sport to tennis. (Tommy, I say that solely out of allegiance to you. PROUD?!)
Morgan, Callie, and Kayla and I had fun together!

I have never been so tired. That day was EXHAUSTING!!!

But when I got back, there was a restlessness in my soul. I decided I would go to the prayer chapel.

But there was a MAN in the prayer chapel! HOW DARE HE?! And he looked super freaked out and I think his English was not so positive… so I left. Instead, I just plopped down on the grass and stared up at the sky. I began talking to God.

I asked Him things like,


I began to feel distraught. I needed some love. I went to bed with a trampled spirit.

February 20, 2011

I awoke the next morning to find my lovely Francesca on skype!!! AH, the JOY!!! But my computer was dying and so was Debs’, so I had to wait until AFTER church to talk to her. Would she still be awake!? The torture!

Before church, I talked to Shelli about trying to truly conquer the remnants of my fear forever.

In church, I spent most of the time journaling. “God, could you please give me a prophetic word? I would really be encouraged by physical words from someone right now.”  

Shelli leans over during the sermon and gives me Philippians 4:4-10.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus… I rejoice greatly in the Lord…

I thought, wow. Cool. Thanks, Shelli J

After church, the awesome Karissa came up to me. She asked if she could talk to me. Pshhh NO. Just kidding J She told me that the night before, God had awoken her in the middle of the night and told her to pray for me.

He also gave her a prophetic word for me.

No joke.

But God has a great sense of humor. It cannot be denied.

Here is what Karissa said: (I asked her to write it down for me!)

“God wants so desperately for you to grasp the depths and reaches of his Joy! You specifically, Renna! He has created you to be joyful- he wants to fill you with it and pour out through you as a giver of joy to all those around you. Your joy is so apparent, and he wants you to seek to find it and fight for it in all that you do.”

As for how to get rid of fear?

“I’ve learned that we are not supposed to live in a way where we are focused on the things about ourselves that we want to fix or change. When you focus on the negative aspects of your life that you want to get rid of, you are putting energy into the wrong area. Instead, turn your gaze to the areas that God wants to pour into. Focus yourself onto the gifts, strengths, and ideas in you that God wants to nourish to bring glory to Himself! Don’t try to abolish fear, but seek with all of your being to find joy. When all of your energy is focused on your joy in the Lord, there will be no more energy left to loose to fear.”

More words of wisdom:

“Instead of putting your hope in what God may or may not do, or what he may or may not provide, put your hope in Him- in his character! This is so hard to remember to do. But when you do, then your hope will not be circumstantial and based in the future, but your hope will take root in the past, present, and future, because God transcends all time and circumstance!

Live your life with purpose, not with goals. Goals are so specific, but God’s purpose for you can be accomplished in any success or failure. Goals are great, but lean on your prayerfully sought purpose to guide them!

Ask God not just to open your eyes and ears, but ask him HOW to open your eyes and ears to what he is doing and saying to you.

I’ve personally learned that you shouldn’t look for where you think God is working in your life. Instead, just be aware and open to any way that He may work. His ways are not ours, and his working is unexpected.”

And something amazing that blows my mind:

“Beauty is anything that glorifies God!” If I want to be truly beautiful, all I have to do is live to glorify God. Whoa.

That was so perfect in SO many ways!!!
1)   God specifically told me how He wants to grow me this semester. I have something to work towards!
2)   Prophetic words. I got ‘em, right after I asked for ‘em.
3)   “Joy” was directly related to the verse Shelli gave me!!!
4)   God told me how I can attempt to get rid of fear!!! By FOCUSING on JOY, not on the fear!

SO blessed. Words cannot describe.

When I got home, I got to skype with Francesca! SO good!! I love you to the moon and back, Ma’am. It’s true J Thanks for staying up so late for me!!

Then I watched the best movie ever. AKA, Princess Bride. Sigh. Love.

The final crowning glory of my day? Worship practice. Tyler let me play guitar for worship with Riley, who happens to be a musical GENIUS! They were both completely helpful and patient with me! I cannot explain how grateful I am for their patience and assistance!

After practice, I talked to Tyler. He was SO encouraging! I think yesterday was national Encourage Ren Day! Yay! He’s great.

February 21, 2011

Hello dayyy!!!! Morgan and I went on a run, of course. I only got about 5 hours of sleep. My fault. But nevertheless, our run was so positive! I think today has been my favorite day as far as sunrises go… the sun was VIVIDLY orange, bursting through the trees! Ah! My heart was singing!

Chapel! I was so blessed to play guitar. Everyone is seriously so encouraging! I have rarely felt so true a time of worship. I have a theory on this: When I play guitar, I am focused on God. Without Him, I would not play well. I focus on Him and completely dedicate everything to Him. When I sing, I am relying on myself to make the notes sound as I want them. But… playing guitar is a real act of worship, as it requires a kind of surrender. I love it J Tyler is training me to be a worship leader!! Yaay!!!!

I have no Zulu this week. That means I basically have nothing to do. Yaaay! Hung out with Shelli, Debs, and Karissa this morning. Then went on a mall run. I got to hang out with Zach. His story is so inspiring! It makes me want to go change the world for Jesus J So excited for this new friendship! Yaay!

In Intercomm today, we got to watch Slumdog Millionaire. I have never seen it.

OHMYGOODNESS IT IS SO GOOD!!!! The cinematography, the acting, the colors, the script, the story, even the subtitles! Ah! I love it. I haven’t gotten to finish it though, and am about to have a panic attack. We have to wait until Thursday. UGH!

And now, here I am, stealing Deb’s computer to write this, as Shelli is borrowing mine. (Her computer friend. SO SAD!!!!)

AH. It has indeed been a magnificent three days.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bungie Jumping Training.

February 18th, 2011

A special hello J
So… I pretty much had the best day EVER. No joke. Didn’t run today (silent woo hoo!!!!) … kinda maybe forgot to set the alarm? Sorry Morgan!!!

Because the Zulu class never gets to join in on the fun group-sy shenanigans (we are the ONLY people with class at night) we organized our own little field trip to a game reserve.

Honestly, one of the best days. Like, for real. Ever.

The hike was BEAUITFUL! Magnificent! Extravagant! Breath-taking! Flawless! I have become a nature lover. It’s true. I kept thinking, “This is where I belong.” I wish I had the eloquence to describe my feelings… Bliss?

And the company was pretty much epic. I OFFICIALLY LOVE MY ZULU PEOPLE. It’s official. May it be known! I kept randomly having these amazing conversations with each of them. SO blessed.

-Scrambled on GIANT boulders
-Hiked in the blistering African terrain
-Craned our necks to see GIRRAFES!
-Saw ALL of the deer-wannabes possible (aka: I don’t know what they were. But they looked like a deer. Therefore, deer-wannabes. Obviously.)
-Went swimming in a magical lake/ rock pool
-Jumped off of TWO cliffs!
-Saw all of the insects from the Lion King
-Discovered a camping hideout
-Climbed in general

Ah. So many new experiences for me. And the entire group was completely encouraging and supportive… I love them.

As if my day could get any BETTER, I went to the mall with Kristina, Bethany, Miranda, Sophia, Morgan, and Debs for Chalet Bonding Time! We had a REAL MEAL!!!

So, I was deciding between three dishes. Sandwich, salad, and wrap. The CHOICES!!! But JUST as the waiter asks me what I want, out of the corner of my eye, I spy WAFFLES!!!! I was trying to be spontaneous. I was trying to walk on the dangerous side. Switch it up a bit!

So, I order the waffles. Whoaaaa CRAZY! I was oh so proud of my NOT-EVER-SPONTANEOUS self.

Then, after quite a bit, our awesome waiter (I think he was a girl-a-phobe. So great.) sneaks up to me and tells me the waffle maker is broken. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I stood up, flipped my chair over, and screamed mean things at him.

But then he told me they’d make flap jacks instead. So I was all, Oh, OK cool. The first sign that I should NOT have been spontaneous. The next sign? When they brought my flap jacks and I see mushrooms, tomatoes, balsamic, and cheese.

But wait.

There’s more.

There was corn in my pancakes. CORN. In my pancakes. Hmm. I ask for syrup and get a weird look. Surprisingly, the syrup with the corn with the pancakes was quite respectable! Woot woot.

I love my chalet. Super great.

And now, I am officially exhausted. It was a magnificent day. Sigh. I mean, I trained for bungie jumping by leaping of of a cliff into a lake in Africa. Ha. Sounds like I’m making it up.

But I’m not J

Thursday, February 17, 2011

7 hour chats with two cool dudes. (Hint: Jesus is one of them.)

February 18, 2011

What a day. 
Morgan and I did indeed go running… but I think I’m getting consistently WORSE. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?!?! Ugh. I’ll get better over time… I think….
Then was intercom. Ohhh intercom. I gave my presentation today on the Muslim culture and realized that I really love talking in front of people… good to know! I kept everyone laughing, so I felt it was positive J
Unfortunately, I had serious breathing issues. And then I got MAD. I am SICK of not being able to BREATHE, for Pete’s sake! You HAVE to breathe to survive. I’m not even making that up. SIGH.
When intercom had FINISHED (happy dance!) I wrote my intercom 8 pager that’s due in a week and half. Ohhh yeah, I’m productive.
Until dinner, I stalked cool pictures online and started a gallery of awesome pictures I hope to replicate. It was TODAY that I decided I AM going to be a photographer. Yaaay, new life goal! J
Then at dinner, I ended up sitting next to Mackenzie, which is cool, cuz HE’S cool and I don’t get to talk with him much….
….. and we ended up talking for seven hours.
HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!!? It was totally an AMAZING, much needed God-talk/ time. Dude, Mackenzie. You are super duper cool. I am so grateful for you being here!
May I just point out something AWESOME: Mackenzie is planning to spend his birthday and two weeks around it as a homeless person to seek God and be able to understand poverty, living on $3 a day. A small snippet of how cool this guy is.
Yep. That was probably a highlight of my week.
And now, it is 1:30 in the morning and I am contemplating whether or not I’ll get up and get my butt kicked running. AGAIN… 
AH, life’s decisions!!!!

Well, anyway. I am crazy blessed. Gotta love a good God talk. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cat Wars, Midterms and Songs, OH MY

Feb 16 
So last night, I come in from class, and THERE, chilling on my bed, is AE’s cat, Tigger. SURPRISE!! It was so cute! I have a cat at home, but he is kind of evil. I call him Sadaam. This furry freak of nature hides behind corners and ATTACKS me whenever I walk by! Not anyone else, mind you. Just me. So, as I have been in an abusive relationship with my own cat, this was QUITE a surprise. However, trouble brewed, as another chalet became jealous. Apparently, Tigger normally sleeps with THEM, but, obviously he has chosen ME and my rocking chalet. SO THERE. This is what ensued:
(DISCLAIMER: Andrew Murray is the name of the competing chalet. Mojalefa is the official name for my chalet.)
walked into her room to find one of AE's cats sleeping on her bed! Thanks Deb. :)
         Deborah Amy Auda likes this.           
            Amanda 'Wildcat' Torres noooooooo thats not your cat!
Yesterday at 8:19pm · Like · 1 person           
            Sophia Horton it's never leaving!

Yesterday at 8:20pm · Like           
            Amanda 'Wildcat' Torres and her name is least we know her name...
            this is war freshman23 hours ago · Like           
            Jessie Swires its on freshman, we will get our kitty back!!!!.. a battle to the death!!! haha23 hours ago · Like           
            Mary Bette Forte ‎... she belongs to andrew murray! Lols

23 hours ago · Like           
            Miranda Tiede Mojalefa is epic, and the Cat, Tiger, knows it. And Y'all don't be hatin' on the freshy, she will lull you to sleep with her awesome musicality and then destroy you. Also, Canada is on her side...and so is Jesus.23 hours ago · Like           
            Sophia Horton and texas. boom! dream team!

23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person           
            Renna Nightingale YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL "YOUR" CAT'S NAME!!! IT'S "TIGGER!" Obviously the ownership should be passed to the LITERATE!
            Plus, actually California. Not just for college, but like, generations of Californians.
                        PS: Miranda, BEST part of my dayyy!!!!

Pretty epic, right? And I got the last word. BAM.

Random greatness: I am thankful for febreeze and everyone loves my overalls J

In History and Culture, we watched a film about Steve Byko, portrayed by Denzel Washington. It’s an incredibly accurate film about apartheid. If you’re interested, check it out. However, you must be a sleuth, spy, or sneak, because I don’t know the name of the film. Good one, Ren.

The bulk of my day was spent studying for my Zulu midterm. Amazingly, I wasn’t really stressed (until the VERY end.) It was a miracle!!! I am ALWAYS stressed about Zulu!

I must grant some credit for this phenomenon to Kayla! Ohmygoodness, you guys. Kayla is SO amazing!!! I knew we would get along when we sat together that fateful day in church. She was a dancer-turned-nurse and has been to Spain and India already! She is quite possibly one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out! I have truly found a sister in Christ and I am SO happy!!! Yesterday, we having a deep talk, and I happened to mention I am kind of freaking out about my Zulu test. This morning, I am studying, and she comes in with this BEAUTIFUL note!! Completely MADE my day!!! I am quite grateful she is also in my D-Group! Yay! Praise the Lord for this wonderful person J.

When I got back from lunch, my awesome chalet mate, Kristina, was vacuuming. She isn’t a huge fan of the way things are vacuumed here. I saw this as an opportunity to clean the corners of my room (ANYTHING to NOT study ANYMORE). And then it turned into a photo op. And then Deb remarked that I reminded her of this lovely lady:

and so this is what happened. Hoorayy!!!

The zulu midterm was pretty chill. I am super grateful I studied, tho! I won’t find out my grade for about two weeks. Which is FINE with me.

I am sure you are DYING to know why I won’t have class for two weeks. Well, I would HATE to keep you in suspense…

My teacher is going on a vacation. So…



I had a fantastic day. Thanks to some encouragement from Kayla, and some all around amazing people, my day was infused with joy.

This is my Hallelujah song.