Saturday, February 5, 2011

Disturbia! Culture Shock! MEHHHH!

Today, my faithful followers (ew that sounds like Harry Potter! I was meaning like Twitter, and then I absolutely adore alliteration! ), was QUITE A DAY. I am more exhausted NOW than when we got off of the 20 hour plane ride. MEHHHHH!

Today was an InterComm field trip.

First thing on the agenda:
-Visiting a Hindu temple.
Honestly, I was disturbed. I could feel something off in the temple, firstly. Then, the lady who was caretaker of the temple invited us to take part in prayer, by individuals performing a ritual fire, a reed, and ash in a very ritualistic, creepy way, and then kneeling and praying in front of the Hindu gods.
Um, no thank you.
But many people on my semester did.
At first, I was kind of appalled.
We are Christian ambassadors. We need to be acting like it. That lady didn’t know we weren’t worshipping her gods.
Plus, out of respect for my LORD and savior, Jesus Christ, I did NOT want to go there. That is a WHOLE can of worms I did NOT want to mess with.
I’ve had to deal with spiritual warfare in the past, so there’s no way I am specifically doing things I know aren’t smart.
Yes, we must have respect for other religions.
Fine! Just don’t expect me to take part in their practices.
Yes, we weren’t worshipping those pieces of metal.
But we were still acting like it.
Actions speak louder than words.

I was able to talk to Deb, who did take part in the fire-ash-reed-kneel business, and she shed some light. She did it to pray over the temple. She prayed that people would realize the truth when they walked in it. And that’s super cool. Props to you.

But I didn’t feel comfortable with it. And I prayed for that too.

If you’re on this semester and took part, please don’t think I’m judging you. I am very big on not judging, so don’t judge me either, k? Everyone has differences of opinions. This was just not something that would NOT have floated my personal boat. “And that’s how Sue “C”’s it.” J

After that, we walked around an “Indian Market.” Nope. It was totally a black market. I saw a “witch doctor.” He had a huge snake. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh! I know I was being protected though, because I expected to be a whole lot more creeped out than I actually was.

I wasn’t allowed to go into the Mosque because my shins were showing. I specifically wore a knee-length skirt to be respectful and a JACKET on a 90 degree day, and still! DENIED!!!!!!! Mehh.

It was super depressing hearing how women are treated in the Muslim way of life.

Guys, Hindus and Muslims take their faith SO seriously!!! They pray for HOURS daily, read SO much of their Qu’ran/ Holy book… they are DEDICATED. It breaks my heart because we don’t deserve to be Christians sometimes. We take it so lightly. We revel in Christ’s grace and don’t focus on actually LIVING RIGHT. There is literally no justice in the world.

Please do me a favor and count your blessings!!! Smile, and sing about how lucky you are!

There is truly something to be said for walking around with the locals. They stared at us ALL DAY. But it was nice to feel like, "Ok. THIS is South Africa. THIS is what you to every day. THIS is what you see, what you hear, what you deal with." I really appreciated that. 


NO SPACE BUBBLE! I am not an aggressive person, but today, my inner Maria Sharapova came out! (That was for youuuu, Willie!!!) I had to ELBOW people to stay with my group! People just GO. Regardless if there is someone in their way. People have NO issue being up in eachother’s business. I’m claustrophobic. ALL I ASK is for like 2 inches of space!! Room to breathe MY OWN air!!! Cars do this too. Taxi drivers are CRAZY.
I think that much of this in-your-business-no-fear-go-when-you-want-to vibe comes from the Zulus. They don’t value life the way we do. They believe that when you die, you become a spirit, but you’re just as much apart of this world. So your WHOLE LIFE, you’re WAITING to become a spirit. So if you die soon, it’s not as big of a deal. Interesting, right?!

We also went to a beach in Durban! I WENT IN THE INDIAN OCEAN!!!! WOOOO! That’s ocean #3! BAMM!!!! It was a bit browner than what I’m used to… and QUITE cold!

I had an epic talk with Carmen on the way home. I am FASCINATED with her outlook on life! I have never met someone quite so different in their thought-process. But she is quite wonderful! Can’t wait to get to know her better J

Chit chat with the Deb-in-a-torrrrr!!!!! I love you, dear. You’re quite wonderful.

THEN SKYPE WITH MY FAVORITE PERSON EVERRRRRR!!!!!! WILLIE!!!!!! I am so proud of you. He is going to the Backwards Dance tonight! OOOOOHHHHHHHHh! I'm sad that I'm missing it... Eh. You rock, brotha. 

I am about to KONK OUT!!!! So tired! Hahaha I’ll probably read this blog tomorrow and be all, “AHHH I CAN’T BELIEVE I SAID THAT!” Just cuz I’m so tired. Hahaha.

You are great. Smile J

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