Thursday, March 24, 2011

Treasure Chest

March 24, 2011

This was the slowest and fastest day ever. How that happens, I have no idea.

I finished reading through the book of Daniel this morning. Hurrah!

Reg drove us to Ethembeni today, and so I decided to talk to him about the occurrences surrounding my intended “healings.” Seriously guys, people tried to heal me three times.
It was really nice to hear Reg say that he didn’t think I wasn’t healed because of a lack of faith, but rather, because God had another plan for my foot. He said he was proud of me for acknowledging God’s works, instead of being destroyed by the fact that there wasn’t an instantaneous healing. The man is so wise I can barely stand it. Such a blessing.

We were supposed to build a garden in Mpophomeni today, but somehow… that didn’t happen… that was slightly frustrating, just because I want to help out as much as I possibly can, and I didn’t bring my materials to write scripts or the guitar to write songs, so we were kind of out of ways to help. But I was able to take a 20 minute nap, which was AWESOME. I just fell asleep with my head on the table. I was out like dirty socks in the laundry.

Speaking of dirty… Remember how I traded watches with Smangile? Well, I dropped it in the toilet today. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I had to fish it out! And THEN I had to wash it because it WASN’T MINE!!!! AHHH!!! And after I THOROUGHLY sanitized it, it stopped working. Because watches don’t do well with water. Ahem. Gooooood one. NOT. Luckily, Ethembeni is the HOT SPOT for rice! So I stuck the watch in a bag with some rice. PLEASE, JESUS, LET IT BE FIXED!!!

Another, more exciting event: Hlaga took us all on a school visit! It was very exciting. All of the students wear uniforms. And everyone STARED. I was the only one in our group saying hi to every person I possibly could.

And every time, they would say, “Hello.” WHY wouldn’t they answer me in Zulu?! I am knowledgeable in their great language! Come on, guys, give me a CHANCE! Every single person we passed STARED, I repeat! I am used to being stared at by casting directors and competitors, but it was a totally new experience to be stared at because I look different.

I got two marriage proposals today. One was uneventful and in passing. The other one was funny.
“Are you married?” This man at Ethembeni asks me.
“No, sir!”
“You will marry my friend.”
“Haha, OK.” Totally kidding.
“He is a pastor.”
“Oh cool! I’ve always wanted to marry a pastor!” I am SO witty!
“PERFECT! So, you give me your number.”
“What?!” I thought this was a joke! TOO witty!
“Yes, I need your number from here and from home so you two can stay in contact.”
“Well, um-”
“You like black men?”
Oh. Well. “Sure…?”
“Good. You won’t back out on me now. This is good.”


Today included super great team bonding. I had a lovely talk with Aimee today. She is so great! She reminded me of two important things:
1)    I need to run to God FIRST in everything. People are awesome. But,
2)    People can’t understand the way God understands. People can help you through trouble, but God literally carries your troubles for you.

BOTH Walk in the Light and Ithemba (two other service sites) have done my skit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks, Jesus J

Tyler and I are planning on writing another song tonight. HURRAHH!! I have lost my voice for about a WEEK now, which is FRUSTRATING, so this song writing shenanagin is going to be interesting. But I am excited J

Something else I realized?
I am EXCITED for the next year of my life:
            I don’t want to leave. I would live here. I might.
            I am convinced it will be great.
            Woo! Finally legal!!
            AH. I have been looking forward to that all year!
            Yay, Pryors and Nightingales! My soul is dancing!
            I have heard it’s a for sure life-changer. As if I haven’t changed enough in the last two months. HA!
            I am convinced that God will do great things with that.
            I recently applied and will find out if I will be studying abroad next spring.

Rich blessings abounding. Praise Him all the way Home. Literally. To South Africa, California, Rome, and everywhere else.

Deep, wise, awesome insight from Claire today:
Aimee, Claire and I were talking about the waterfall, because we were looking at my battle wounds (some bruises, scabs, and scars).

Aimee told her parents about my little incident and how Colton was clearing out rocks that morning.
“I am more in awe of God every time I think about it. The best part of it is that it has NOTHING to do with me. It has “God” written ALL over it.” I say.
Claire says, “No, Renna. You fell, therefore enabling God to be glorified. Had you not climbed that waterfall, God would not have been able to use your new story the way that He wants to.”
EPIC. To me, at least J

This day has been beautiful. Not because of anything big, but because there were a million small sparkling jewels that added up to a glorious treasure chest of a day. 

1 comment:

  1. You are dearly loved. Keep moving mountains for Jesus!

    Wyoming or BUST!

