Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waterfalls and MIRACLES.


^ Once again, SUCH a good date!!

So I slept in today until 10:00. Glorious!!!

Then I spent much of the first half of my day studying Zulu by the waterfall for today’s test.

It was such a beautiful day! The sky was singing! The waterfall was so inviting!

Obviously, with such a beautiful waterfall, Zach and I decided to take a study break and climb the waterfall! This is a normal activity here in Africa! And we were climbing the baby waterfall, which is only about 30 ish feet tall, so it was no big deal J

I was having a FANTASTIC time, just relishing in the vivid, undeniable, colossal awesomeness of the waterfall. It was one of those moments when I am simply filled with contentment.

We were heading back up the waterfall oh so successfully! Zach was ahead of me and I was about 2 rocks from the top. I was hoisting myself up to the next rock when my hand SLIPPED. I tried to catch myself with my foot, but there was nowhere to put my foot! It was a stinking WATERFALL, so EVERYTHING was slippery!

I fell.

TWENTY FIVE FEET. I just remember Zach screaming “NO.” And I tumbled down the rocks… I literally hit every part of my body.

I finally reached the pool of water at the bottom. I hit my face. My very first thought: Am I dead? No. Next thought: Am I paralyzed? My head surfaces. “God please let me be ok!” I yell. The water is freezing and paralyzing in itself. I try to remember to breathe. I then remember how to swim. I make it to land. Zach has made it down by this time. I stand up and try to walk just as Zach yells, “Don’t move!” Yep, should have listened because then I felt my left ankle go “Meh.” (I wish I could make the sound for you!) Seeing as walking would be no use, I crawl to dry ground.

I keep telling myself to breathe. I kept thinking, “what’s wrong?” I look down and see some, not much, blood on my legs.

“I thought you were dead!” Thanks, Zach.

Heather and Olivia come. Heather is a nurse and Olivia was so comforting! Zach carried me up to a bench. Heather cleaned my cuts. There was nothing super negative… I might have some nice battle scars, but that’s really about it.

My foot begins to REALLY hurt. I can still wiggle my toes if I TRULY want to, which I don’t. But I could J. By now, a PLETHERA of the world’s greatest people have gathered. Deb got me my insurance in case I was going to the hospital. Bethany got the nursing professor. Heather got me a tea time snack. Shelli got me a blanket and tea. Many other people came out of love. I was so grateful. I can’t even say.

My body was definitely in shock. I began hyperventilating. It wasn’t from pain. It was from realizing that in actuality, I should be dead. Or paralyzed at the very LEAST. But I was FINE.

Literally, I was saved by Christ today. It is a MIRACLE. I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel. Towards LIFE. Towards the LORD. Towards the people who cared enough to make sure I was ok.

I wasn’t alone.

As Jenny pointed out, I feel like God must have big plans for me, or else I would probably not be here right now. I mean, WHAT ARE THE ODDS?! I WAS BOUNCING DOWN ROCKS OFF OF A WATERFALL into a pool that is not deep! I fell TWENTY FIVE FEET! ALL it would have taken was ONE good head knock, and I would be dead.

I am not trying to scare you.

I am just saying, I am freaking GRATEFUL right now!!!

I have been rescued.  

I was so lucky to have many wonderful visitors!!!! Thanks, guys!!

Ok, so now, my foot officially feels like heck. There will be an X ray tomorrow for suresies.

I am EXHAUSTED and grateful and super drained emotionally.

So for me, everyone please smile J

And I guess, in retrospect, falling off of a waterfall is kind of legit. 

That makes me a true South African. :)


  1. I am thanking God tearfully for sparing you from any serious harm! Love to my Beauty!

  2. Beautiful Lo, I awe. I am so excited for your life. Do you understand what mighty things God has planned for you that He would spare you in such a "God-sized" way? And how hard Satan is working to take you down?

    Rejoice in the Lord always! I will say it again, rejoice!!

    I love you dearly, friend.

    So excited...

    (P.S. Go back and reread your two earlier posts leading up to "The Fall." Some pretty incredible foreshadowing in there.)

    Thank you, Jesus!!!!
