Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Walking by Faith, not by Sight in the Rain Forest

March 1st, 2011

RABBIT!!! HAPPY MARCH!! Time is FLYING! I cannot believe it… the other day I had a momentary blonde moment and thought we were in January. Ahem.

I barely slept a wink last night. No sleep for the Ren-ster…

So I skipped the run… sorry, Morgan!!!

I was completely out of it all day. I think that’s what happens with about 2 hours of sleep? Negative!

My whole day was kind of a blur, not going to lie!

For once, I don’t really feel like writing about it. Sorry!

Most exciting things: hanging out with Zach and D- Group. LOVE my D- Group! SO positive! We decided that this week, we are going to pray for divine appointments, and the ability to have super deep conversations with those we don’t know well yet.

Got in bed around 10:30. Zonked OUT! I am pretty sure I had some crazy dream… but I don’t recall.

^How fun is that date?!

5:30 came quickly this morning. I was still feeling the effects of the previous night’s complete lack of sleep, plus the winds were RAGING! I loved the wind. I think it’s a physical form of Heaven. Any Walk to Rememer fans?! “It’s like the wind. I can see it… But I can feel it.”

ANYWHO! The wind! Allergies have still followed me to South Africa. Alas, my valiant Claratin does little to ward off the crazy weather. Therefore, my breathing sucks, which I’ve heard can be negative for excercising... At the end of our run, Morgan and I decided to pray for our day. SUCH A GREAT DECISION!! It completely set the day aright.

The past two days, I have felt like I haven’t been living completely for Christ. I have been selfish and comfortable… And I realized that was SO not ok. So today, I tried to dedicate my day completely to the Lord by keeping him first and having intentional conversations… It was completely positive!!!

At breakfast, I got to talk to Kayla and Meghan. After History and Culture, Kayla and I prayed. Then, a trip to the waterfall! GREAT prayer time! I read a passage in Isaiah EXACTLY applicable to what I’m going through!
I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, and peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” –Isaiah 48:17-18.

I love when that happens J

A great encouragement:
I had the most beautiful email from Dema today! Thank you, my love!!! It gave me a smile for QUITE some time. You are amazing, my dear!!!

I did not realize I depended on shoes so much. Without those lovely feet-protectors, I have to rely on God for literally every step that I take. I have decided to call this journey walking by faith, not by sight. I noticed today that I am always looking down, watching where I’m going. Today, God was all, “TRUST ME.”
SO now I am trying not to focus on my feet, but where I'm going. SO HARD!!!!!!!!!

Fasting Facebook has been really hard. Like, really. Even more so than shoes. Because a slight perk of no shoes is not always having to put them on. You can literally just GO. Maybe that's something else God is teaching me!!!! I need to GO and not make sure that I can be in control of everything before walking down the path He is asking me to!
Whoa. Just realized that!
Deal: I want my thoughts to be absolutely CONSUMED with the Lord. I want to be obsessed with Jesus. I feel like I am, but I have more to go, you know? :) SO, my feet hurt. But I'm glad. And not being on Facebook has freed up a lot of my time.... which is silly and SUCH a good realization!!! I need to be ALL here, or I will waste opportunities! I am NOT going to let that happen. 

1)    SINK HOPPING! There are three sinks in our chalet. I love to sink hop. For example, wash my hands in one sink, get my toothbrush wet in the second, and spit in the third. It’s a party for sure! J
2)    STARS! They hadn’t been out in a long time here, as we have been experiencing constant mist at night. But NOW, they are GLORIOUS!!! Absolutely breath taking. Sigh.
3)    Super great bus conversations!

After lunch, we departed and left to go see the world famous Drakensburg Boy Choir. It’s the South Africa mini version of Man Choir! On the way, I sat next to Tyler. And I guess he is kind of ok.
No, he is great! Such a great friendship! I am completely thankful for my big brother Tyler J

Tyler drew me for art. What do you think? :)
These Drakensburg boys. They were all under the age of 15, with the youngest being about 8 years old. They were pretty good. The first half, they sang all choral music. It was quite conservative, and the dynamics kind of stank which resulted in a somewhat boring first half. Meh.
When we came back in after intermission, I was in for a jaw-dropper. The entire second act was African traditional music with tribal dancing and drums and scattered “HALLELU!”s! So marvelous!!!
But the BEST PART was yet to come. All of a sudden, the lights went out. And behold! A feast for our ears! An acapella rendition of an African RAIN FOREST!! Complete with a thunder storm. It was so precise and beautiful and natural.. I was BLOWN AWAY! It must have taken WEEKS to piece that together, let alone perfect it!!
And as a grand finale, there was a step dance team, complete with Can Can kicks interspersed! WHAT MORE DO I NEED?!

Absolutely positive.

When we got back, it was 7:30, but I swear, it felt like midnight!

A chill evening.

I have a Zulu test tomorrow… haven’t studied yet… Meh…

Undeniable evidence that Demaree Sarnowski and I are going to be friends FOREVER:

I love u more than 

Diana loves pills
The phantom loves Christine
Maria loves Tony
Little red loves her baked goods.

I mean, come on. Dema, you rock my world. Miss you!!!

I am going to head to the prayer chapel in a bit. If a miracle occurs, I’ll be sure to pass it on!

Live your day in love. 

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