Thursday, January 27, 2011

The prejudiced lion king blogged in the sunshine.

January 27, 2011
I will live my life solely to bring God glory by intentionally and fearlessly bringing hope, light, and love to each person I come in contact with, placing God's will above my own, and seeking to honor Him with my gifts and talents. 
 ^My personal mission statement, inspired in part by Francesca Fromang.

Sheryl Crow accurately describes my morning today: “I, I’m gonna soak up the suuuuun!” Finally! Since we arrived, rain has ruled the skies, but NOT TODAY! At last, SUNSHINE!!! I was awakened today by the glorious sun’s angelic rays… As I was on my way to wash my face (cue commercial: *slow-mo splash of water onto my face, magically smiling with monkeys dancing to “The Circle of Life” in the background*), I was frozen by the captivatingly breathtaking view from my front door. The sun sparkled through the delicate pink petals of the indigenous trees! My photographer side (shhh we’re pretending I have one J) took over and I happily snapped away at the FANTIASTIC scene before me. (PS: my oh-so-dear-to-my-heart Demaree Sarnowski took the liberty of redefining a FANTASTIC (whoa I’m clever. You’ll understand momentarily. You may now continue onward to find out why I’m clever =P ) word for me! Here ‘tis!:
"Fantastic: adj. Meaning: Renna’s awesome African life! Example: Hikes starring Zebras, morning, afternoon and evening epiphanies, and African waterfalls.” Dema. I love you.)
This morning, I decided to attempt to practice my new language with the Zulu kitchen staff. Of course they would love it! They are always so friendly when I greet them in English; I wanted to do something thoughtful and speak to them in their fantastic (hey, there it is again! It’s better with the new definition, huh?) native tongue!
“Sawubona!” I triumphantly declare, looking expectantly at GuGu. She gives me a skeptical look and serves me an unusually runny scoop of scrambled eggs as payback. Faaaaaail. Ummmm…. Did I miss something? Did I offend her?! Danggit. Well. Back to English tomorrow.
         Half of my day was spent in Intercultural Communications class. As I was imagining what my African animal counterpart would be (apparently it helps you connect with the spirit of Africa?) [Just kidding. I was totally daydreaming. J], suddenly my favorite friend, the SUN, shone through the windows into the classroom! Ahhh! HALLELUJAH! GLORIOUS JOY!!! I can feel the vitamin D! Even now, the- wait. What’s Professor doing? Is he- no. He wouldn’t. GASP! Yes he is! He’s closing the curtains and blocking the sunlight! NOOOOO!!!!! My face drops a thousand miles. I look like my dog died. (How is the Mo-minator doing, Mom?) Professor Sunshine-Hater catches the look on my face (I was obvious alarmed at this moment, give me a break) and he asks, “Is everything alright? Do you need something?” Tylenol? Surgery? I blurt out, “Can we PLEASE have the SUNSHINE?!” Everyone laughs at me. But I know they secretly wanted that sunshine. And without me… well, they woulnd’t have gotten it. That’s right. My mission was a success. VICTORY!
         The best part of the educational side of my South Africa experience so far was today in InterComm when we watched “Bride and Prejudice.” No, not Pride, but Bride. Welcome to the best movie of your entire LIFE. It’s a modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic tale, where Ballywood meets Hollywood in a splash (and sometimes CLASH) of color and GENIUS music with the best dancing of all time!!! I BEG OF YOU! Go rent it!!! (Mom, please get this for me for my birthday! Again, that’s “Bride and Prejudice.”
         After class, I found out I am an official APU Blogger! WOOOOOO!!!!! This shan’t be my official blog…. But it indeed inspired the hire J I shall be starting that adventure soon!
         Another beautiful part of my day came tonight when many of us gathered to watch The Lion King in the lecture room—on the PROJECTOR. BAAAAM!!! Ohmygoodness, you guys!!! I have NEVER been so excited to watch that movie! Possibly another favorite moment of this whole Africa shenanigan was tonight, when about 15 of us college students belted out ALL of the movie’s songs. It was BEAUTIFUL. Such contentment. AND GUESS WHAT?! Disney did me proud! They did their HOMEWORK! It was so accurate!!!! We were all giddy with excitement, yelling at the projector, THAT’S WHERE I LIVE!!! What a magnificent score. Ah. I tell ya. My life. Some say magical… I say blessed. (haha.) I am SO thankful. Hallelujah. (<- also partly inspired by F.F. J)
         I want to share my lovely friend Morgan’s God-Moment with you all! She is valiantly reading through the Old Testament and has recently been stuck in the genealogy. (Adam had So-and-so, son of him-who-ate-grass, husband of she-who-looked-like-a-man, etc… JK. Sorry, Lord. Just a bit of fun J) Morgan came to the point of saying, “God, WHY did you put this in here?!” Today she had class with Reg (need I say more? I think NOT. ) In class, he discussed how science needs to catch up with the Bible, not the other way around. He said that the genealogy in the Bible can help us date WHEN the earth began. BAM. God was all, “This is why, Morgan!” How lovely. I just wanted to share J.
         Today was such a positive day in my confidence as well. I just had so many wonderful relationship moments when I was all, “Yes. I am valued for who I am. And this is where I belong RIGHT NOW.” It’s a priceless feeling. I wouldn’t trade it for anything! (except 21 choices!!! Alas, how my heart yearns for Circus Animal Cookie!!!) J
         Daily shout outs:
         WILLIAM THOMAS NIGHTINGAE IV. Can we Skype? I miss your face. The end.
DEMAREE SARNOWSKI: Thank you for the constant JOY and love you bring me!!!! “Why weren’t we friends before?” I don’t know. But I DO know that I DON’T know what I would do without you ;). (<- I TOLD you I was clever.)
KATHERINE BARTON: Yes, you’re a repeat. Oh goodness, girl! I can’t even begin to describe how much positivity you have contributed to my trip!!!!! It seems every time I need a little boost, you send me an email or write me an ESSAY… goodness gracious. I can’t even explain. I just wish there was a way to tell you how much you mean to me! I love you dearly J.
DANIELLE DUMAS: I thought of you the ENTIRE time I was watching LK! Mufasa is there for you, my love. And so am I J. Watching it made me feel almost like I had been hanging out with you… I am so happy right now! I got some imaginary Danielle time! J I love you fo eva aaaaaand eva J
FRANCESCA FROMANG: Ah. I can’t even begin to describe how much your email meant to me. I enjoyed reading it SO much! I loved learning about what you’re learning and seeing how God is working and moving in you. What a light you are, my friend. NOW is the time! HALLELUJAH! Ah, just thinking about how EXCITED I am for you makes me want to cry. Love, love, love.
PRYORS: I love you guys. And I am forced to think of Wyoming! Both Africa and Wyoming are ABOUNDING in nature’s glories! (plus, it’s the only other out-doors-y place I’ve been immersed in J) I hope all is well, my faithful friends! Please be keeping the Nightingales company J But please don’t do anything super duper fun until I get back J. Love to you! (PS: my friend Katherine [afore mentioned] has Mrs. Bouslough as her Prof! Ha! The glory!)
I have now officially stayed up far too late. But that’s ok J I had to preserve the glories of this day fo-eva aaaaand eva! (<- For you, F & D)

1 comment:

  1. MY LOVE!!!! Thanks for the shout out! As you already know, we did indeed go to Disneyland on Friday. We sat talking over dinner for over an hour, largely discussing you and the glories God is doing in your life right now. Praise-a-Jesus!

    Repeat after me: "I AM A PHOTOGRAPHER!!!" (Seriously, say it out loud.) "No tree, monkey, sunset, cloud, ray of light, creepy crawly opposite-of-exodus, team member or professor is safe from me!"

    Embrace your inner shutter-clicker. (P.S. Facebook photo albums only can hold up to 200 pictures. SO, I am looking forward to a photo album a week, please! :)

    Love you!
