Monday, January 24, 2011

Quizes (for you!), Proclamations, and British lingo.

January 24, 2011
First day of classes and chapel!
I paused for a moment after writing this to have another epiphany. I swear! These epiphanies are pretty much attacking me! Could it be the water here? J I realized that in any other school situation, I would feel quite a few emotions: sad ( work has begun anew!), anxious (will my professors be hardcore, intense, and spit a lot?!), and submissive (sigh…. I guess I want an education so I don’t have to work at McDonald’s my entire life…). But today, I was excited! I knew everyone I was going to have class with, and it will be incorporating some sort of South Africa! What is sad about that?!
Chapel absolutely BLEW MY MIND!!! We sang “Holy is the Lord.” Maybe you’ve heard it? Wink, wink ;). I was reminded of something very important by the beauty of these lyrics: “For the JOY of the LORD is our STRENGTH.” I had been feeling slightly lonely this morning. I was reminded that God IS ENOUGH for me. I do not need others’ acceptance to feel good about myself. (They make life more fun, but, still.) The Lord is my strength. And His joy comes with the morning! HE has promised not to give me any more than I can handle. And He has yet to break a promise. And what an honor! He thinks a 17 year old can not only survive, but THRIVE, in a NEW country with a NEW culture and NEW people! Thanks, God J. I choose to let myself be fulfilled by Him who gives me strength and peace beyond understanding.
Reg, who is becoming one of my favorite people (seriously, Reg! Can I have a hi-5 so I might have a smidget of your brilliance?!) spoke in chapel today. Unfortunately, I experienced a bad case of blondeness when I left Mufasa 2 today. The doctor said damage is permanent because I forgot to grab my journal to take notes! (Just kidding about the doctor part.) I wanted to cry! But my tears were replaced with fascination, wonder, and awe during the sermon. Reg talked about how to find a church 101. Let’s take a quiz.
To find a church, do you

A)   Find one with glorious music
B)   Choose one with an interesting Pastor
C)   Choose one that does a lot of missions work
D)   Decide based on how many cute guys (or girls) there are.

According to Reg, the answer is D.

Just kidding! Drrrrrrrum roll please…………..C! Who knew, right?! I swear, the things I’m learning… You’d think I was in college or something! J He talked about the importance of choosing a church that is “doing kingdom work here on earth.” We must be careful that the church does not become a waiting room where we remain until Jesus comes back. “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” We were commanded to spread love as much as we could. “Whatever you do for the least of these, you do unto me.” Reg said he strongly disagreed that people only need to be spiritually fed. His amazing quote of the day: “You must feed someone so that the growl of their stomach won’t be so loud that they can’t hear you.” Talk about profound.
I was pretty much in tears after chapel. This trip has made me reexamine my life goals. Chapel today was no exception.
I hereby declare to you, my lovely reader, that I will be adding a minor of Youth Ministry! I want to thank my lovely South Africa people, and America people, who have helped me come to this decision: Mom, Tommy, Allison Schrader, Deborah, Morgan, Destiny, Reg, Matt Browning (seriously! His quote that gave me chills was “I hope you will be ruined for the ordinary.” My ordinary was regular theatre [not really God centered…. Or as much as I wish it had been] I feel I have been ruined for that indeed. I have this newfound desire in my heart to spend my life using my gifts for others to further God’s kingdom specifically. I have always had this desire, but now I feel as though I have a more specific view/ possible way to do this.), Katie Allen, Francesca, Danielle, Katherine, Nana, …. I have been so blessed by amazing people… If I have forgotten to give you credit, please forgive me!!!
After this life-changing experience (no big, happens daily here in the miraculous land of South Africa), Morgan, Sophia, Miranda, Allie and I went for a lovely hike. The scenery was breath-taking. I kept thinking, I couldn’t have even imagined this. God, how did you do it?! Meanwhile, I was super blessed with a lovely talk with Katie Angelis.
Exercise for the rest of the day was a Jillian Michael’s video (that woman SCARES ME! Have you heard her laugh?!) and a jog with a combination of the lovely Jenny, Allie, Wylanna, Yolanda, Jessie, and Sophia.
I then experienced my first mall trip. I noticed that South Africans have no sense of space. In the states (<- hahaha I’m local again!) we all have our personal space bubbles. Not here! Oh NO! I was almost run over by several shopping carts (they have carts for the mall, not just grocery stores. Come on America, take a hint! So convenient, eh? ;)
Then I had my first class: Intercultural Communications. It looks like it is going to be a BUNCH of work… I have to read 150 pages by the next class… (that’s a lot for me. No judging if it’s not for you, thanks a bunch J) But it shall be quite fascinating! So overall, worth it. When I told him I would like to be called “Renna” as opposed to “Lauren,” he became my favorite person by replying, “Oh, yes. That makes sense. Very good, Renna.” WOOO! Not ONCE have I garnered such a lovely response! Normally, I receive a look that questions my sanity. But hey, it made me grateful for this reaction J
Later, Shayna and I decided to use British accents when communicating with each other. (How lovely, my dee-ah!) We thought it would be easier to pick up the South African accent if we were already using one. Logical? Let’s pretend YES. And Allie and Shayna let me give them my rocking presentation on Time Management from last semester. I knew it would come in handy! (You guys, this presentation kind of rocks. The title is Time Management: The epic guide to a healthy, happier life with more Jesus, less devil. I’m just saying.)
Tonight I signed up to be on Birthday Committee and Chapel/ Worship Teams. Hope it works out!
Then, I had a fabulous talk with Morgan. Love her. She was such an encouragement to me today! I can’t wait to get to know her better! Thanks, Lord J Then Deb joined us for a prayer time. YES! These are some of my favorite moments so far J

Tomorrow I am visiting a service site! So excited! Hope I am prepared, though.

-God is more than sufficient for me.
-I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
-Theres no such thing as normal. Just boring. (Ehhh, Shayna? ;)

Cheerio! (<- an example of my British lingo)


  1. Oh, I love you! You brought tears to my eyes. I am so excited about your passion:). Praying for you lots and lots! Love, Allison

  2. Ditto to what Allison said!

    Keep these blogs coming, lady! God is using your words of self-reflection there to minster to those of us here. The gift that keeps on giving. "The word of the Lord does not return void."

    Love you!

  3. Holyyy crap i loved this one good lesson! I love that we're miles apart and God's still making our life lessons coinside :) hehe
