Friday, March 25, 2011

Set the World on Fire

March 25, 2011

There is a FIRE in my soul. I feel it burning. I NEED to change the world. However small or big! I feel so empowered and inspired! My heart is seriously going to BURST! I cannot sit and wait! I cannot sit in fear! There is so much LIFE to be lived! And I want to be the one living it! I am seriously genuinely ECSTATIC for the plans God has. I want to be apart of them. And I will sacrifice EVERYTHING for His will.

Lord, Please direct me. Show me what to do. Equip me. Lead me. Open my eyes to see where you would have me go.

I want to set the world on fire
Until it’s burning bright for you
It’s everything that I desire
Can I be the one you use?

I am small, but
You are big enough
I am weak, but
You are strong enough

To take my dreams
Come on and give them wings
Lord with you
There’s nothing I can’t do
There’s nothing I can’t do

I want to feed the hungry children
And reach across the farthest land
I want to tell the broken there is healing
Mercy in the Father’s hand

I am small, but
You are big enough
I am weak, but
You are strong enough

I finished “The Faithful Abangane,” or “The Faithful Friends,” which is about Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendigo. We are planning to perform that on Monday.

There is a beautiful girl here named Nomjabulo (Happiness). We were talking to her yesterday. She confided that, more than anything, she wants to be an actress. She spends her time watching movies, but she has never been given the chance to act because there are no theatres or theatre programs in Mpophomeni. I hope the drama program can be continued after we leave, if for no other reason than giving her the chance to do what she loves. I am going to try to have her be in next week’s skit!

David and Goliath went very well! The theatre major in me wishes it could have been a bit more rehearsed, but overall, it was great. Thanks, Ethembeni team! I love you dearly!!! Awesome job!!!
David and Goliath

Narrator: Once upon a time, a LOOOONG TIME AGO, there lived a small, young boy named David.

David: Hi! I’m David.

Narrator: David was a Sheppard. He had many sheep. (Get volunteers!) All day, he took care of his sheep.

The kids are sheep and are on all fours, eating grass.

One day, his sheep were grazing in the grass, and suddenly, out of nowhere, pounced a LION!

 Lion jumps in and roars, and attacks a lamb.

David: That is MY sheep, sir lion! NO YOU DON’T!

David and Lion have a karate battle with plenty of “Hiiiiii YA!”’s. Finally, the lion is defeated and scampers away.

Injured lamb: David! How did you do that?! I thought the lion was going to eat you!

David: The Lord is my strength. He will always protect me because He is with me wherever I go!

Narrator: (Goliath picks a kid to be the top of his head.) Although David could fight his enemies, FAR AWAY, Israel’s army couldn’t fight their enemies! There was a HUGE GIANT named Goliath. Every day, the Israelite army would run away whenever Goliath would come out.

Goliath: Who is brave enough to fight me?

The army looks at each other… and yells, “AHHHHHHH!” and runs away. They huddle together in the corner.

Narrator: When David heard about the mean giant, he marched up to the army.

David: I will fight this giant!

The army looks at each other for a moment—and then bursts out laughing.

Soldier: You’re too small!

Soldier: Goliath will eat you for lunch!

David: Make fun of me all you want. I am not afraid! The Lord will be with me. Just as He has helped me fight lions, He will help me fight this giant.

Soldier: Here, take my sword!

With colossal effort, David attempts to take the sword from the soldier.

Narrator: David tried with all of his might, but he could not pick up the sword!

David drops the sword.

David: Ahh! This sword is too heavy! I will never win if I use this!

Soldier: So what are you going to do?

David: Hmmm…. I know! I’ll use a slingshot.


Soldier: David, you can’t possibly beat a GIANT with a SLINGSHOT!


David: Just like I said before, the LORD-

Army: We know, we know! The LORD will protect you!

Narrator: So even though the army thought he was CRAZY, David took three stones and a slingshot out to battle. This time, when Goliath came out, the Israelites were ready.

Goliath: Who is brave enough to fight me?

David: I am!

Goliath: Who are you?!

David: David!

Goliath: They sent a mouse to fight a giant?

David: I will fight you in the name of the Lord!

Goliath: Engarde!

They jump into ninja positions. In slow motion, Goliath tries charge at David, but David loads his slingshot and FIRES! Slow motion, Goliath is hit in the head and falls over.

Narrator: David did it! With God’s help, David hit Goliath in the head with a stone. Against all odds, the smallest beat the biggest.

Army: Hooray!!

The army cheers.

Narrator: Because David beat Goliath, David became king!

David gets a crown.

David was able to beat the giant because he put his FAITH and TRUST in God. When you trust God, He will never let you down. It doesn’t matter where you come from, it doesn’t matter how small you are, it doesn’t matter what has happened in your past. God will help you to reach whatever dreams and goals you have in your life, so you don’t have to be afraid. Just like David said, “The Lord is with me wherever I go.” Say that with me: “The Lord is with me wherever I go.” And if God is with you, what do you have to be afraid of? So be brave like David!

Wabulani berrrray
Waubulani gonyama
Nawe Goliati uyafa namhlanje.  
Wabulani berrrray
Waubulani gonyama
Nawe Goliati uyafa namhlanje
Wabulani berrrray
Waubulani gonyama
Nawe Goliati uyafa namhlanje. 

After the skit we went to go play net ball again. I played with five random girls who weren’t with Ethembeni. They were all about 11 years old. They were obsessed with my hair! We stopped playing net ball just so they could play with it J. After knowing them for about four seconds, I was already in love with them. They just want to be cared about. About 10 girls just crowded around Karissa and me and had fun with our hair. The two blondes!

They LOVE to sing! And what do I sing EVERY DAY of my life? High School Musical and Camp Rock. You go, Disney! Even in SOUTH AFRICA, they know the music. Whoa, man, whoa. I keep thinking, maybe THIS is why I did high school musical way back when! Seriously, God was educating me and preparing me for these girls J.

I had beautiful talks with Kayla and Heather today.

Last night, Tyler and I came up with this song. I wrote the lyrics, and he composed the music. It was super exciting, because he had written the song years ago, but had never put words to it. As I was listening to him play, the word that popped into my head was desert. I was reading through Psalms. I turned the page, and BAM! There was the word “desert!” WHAT!? So I read the passage and it fit perfectly with what he was playing. AH. Praise Jesus. So here are the lyrics completely inspired by Psalm 55:

(PS: Psalm 55)

Listen, oh Listen
Do you hear me now?
Listen, oh Listen
Hear and answer, I am calling you

My thoughts are troubled
With voices not my own
I’m afraid and alone
On this long and winding road

But I call to you
And you say you hear
But I call to you
And you say you listen
But I call to you
And you say you will answer

So are you listening?

Oh, that I had wings of a dove
I would fly away
Yeah, I’d fly far away
And stay in the desert
Far away from the tempest and storm

Listen, oh Listen
Do you hear me now?
Listen, oh Listen
Hear and answer, I am calling you

I gave Smangile my favorite APU sweatshirt today. She was cold, and her jacket was super thin with lots of holes. I hope she enjoys it! Even though I love that sweatshirt, the smile on her face made it so worth it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat J.

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