Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Loved.

March 16, 2011

Ok. So I woke up this morning to a HORRIFIC sound. “What kind of animal IS THAT?!” I tried to go back to sleep, but I could NOT! That SOUND was SO menacing! I look out the window.

Oh no.

NOT ok.


“No, no, no, no, no, NO!”

I grab my crutches and scramble outside!

“GET AWAY, YOU JERKS!” Problem is, I lost my voice. It sounded so pitiful! So instead, I start waving my crutches at them.


They didn’t like that very much.

Three of them LUNGED toward me, baring their teeth!

“AHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Yes, that was me, not the monkeys, in case that needed clarification.

Praise JESUS, Morgan appeared out of NOWHERE, and she has a perfectly healthy voice, so SHE told them what was up! She grabbed my precious lunch pail and helped me back inside. Way to be a superhero, Morgan!

Morgan the Monkey Menace. Ohhh yeah J.

At breakfast, I realized I needed my flash drive at Ethembeni today. This was somewhat discouraging, considering I had left it in my room, and it is just a lengthy journey to go back and forth.

A year later, when I FINALLY got back down to my room, I could not find the flash drive ANYWHERE! SO annoying! So I decided to bring my computer instead.

We rocked out to “A Walk to Remember” on the way. SUCH a good way to start the day!

When we arrived at Ethembeni, we decided that music shall be our afternoon activity. Tyler, Shayna and I were “thought showering” (ahah!) songs, and I asked, “Hey, is there a song just about John 3:16? There has to be right?” We couldn’t think of one.

So I said, “Hey, why don’t we write one?”

Tyler was all, “I’m down.”

And then, magically, divinely inspired, randomly, WHATEVER you’d like to call it, a melody literally POPPED into my head! I sang it out loud, and we collectively decided it was positive! So, we wrote a song.

Shayna, Tyler and I had SO MUCH FUN!!!

This is what we created:

Renna Nightingale, Tyler Small, Shayna Fong!

For God so loved the world (So loved, so loved)
He gave his only son (So loved, so loved)

That whoever (Who?)
Whoever (Who?)

Whoever believes in Him
Shall have eternal life

For God so loved
He loved
He lo-oved, yeah

For God so loved the world (so loved, so loved)
He gave his only son (so loved, so loved)

That whoever (Who?)
Whoever (Who?)

Whoever believes in Him
Shall have eternal life

For God so loved
He loved
He lo-oved, yeah

Do we believe in Him? (We do, we do!)
Do we believe in Him? (We do, we do!)

We’ll have eternal life! (So loved, so loved)
We’ll have eternal life! (So loved, so loved)

For God so loved the world (So loved, so loved)
He gave His only son (So loved, so loved)

I’m not bragging, because it was totally a team effort, so I can say that I am SO proud of it! It is really fun and super cute!

It is our goal to write 2 songs a week!

SO, it was a TOTAL God thing that I had to bring my computer! Hallelujah J

After the successful songwriting-ness, I took it upon myself to write another skit. This time, I focused on David and Goliath. It should be fun! But I am not quite finished with it yet…

I got to have the most BLESSED, most wonderful conversation ever with Claire! This conversation was from the Lord. Claire… I just love you. SO much! For your wisdom, confidence, individuality, encouragement, perceptiveness… You are just great J Our conversation was amazing because God completely reinforced what He told me on Sunday! SO excited. Claire said she truly believes I will be used by the Lord in theatre! Wooo!

Our time also helped me realize that I judge myself SO MUCH harder than I judge others.

Do you know, I have never seen an ugly person?

I believe that some people are more beautiful than others in certain ways, but I honestly see beauty in everyone. Yet sometimes, I don’t see it in myself.

WHAT THE HECK?! I deserve the same treatment I give everyone else, right?? Just like Paul says, I will boast in the Lord. Therefore, I keep humility by recognizing that the things I boast in have nothing to do with me, but are from and of the Lord.

Ok, so for lunch I ate a banana. Sometimes, my stomach revolts against such fruit. But you know what?! I LIKE BANANAS! So I ate it. And instantly regret it. The phrase revolving in my mind over and over and over was “rip-roaring knife action in the tum-tum.” SO RUDE, banana!

I pretty much shared that to share the phrase. I kinda dig it J

When the kids came, we got to lead worship for them! SO GOOD! I wish my voice wasn’t NON-EXISTANT though. Can’t wait for next week!

Matt Browning from APU is here visiting. I really respect that he comes to check on the program. He is such a wise man and has impacted me greatly.

We had a Zulu test tonight. And I am pretty sure I failed. But you know WHAT, ladies and gentlemen? I believe we are all entitled to at least one failed test in the course of life. This would be my first. SO, hurrah, I say! Let’s do a dance for new life experiences!

I have 6 days of Zulu left!!!!!!!!!!! SOON I will have two semesters worth of my language DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrayyyyyyyyyy!!!! So joyful! But it will be a battle until then. Phew-weee!

I really missed quite a few things today: Disneyland, the Pryors, ma familia, 21 choices, Francesca, Danielle, Blondie (my guitar), WALKING ON TWO FEET, movies…. (in no particular order….)

But the positive news is that I STILL choose HERE.

And I know this is EXACTLY where I am supposed to be.

Which is pretty sweet…

-Debs has decided I am Pocahontas, as my crutches apparently attract leaves.
-I showed a few of the kids at Ethembeni my centaur shenanigan, since I had my computer today. It was SO great!! The looks on their faces!!! Priceless. I hope in some way, that can be used for good.
-Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day!

I have ONE page of my paper yet. And have procrastinated for an hour and fifteen minutes. GOOD one. Procrastination is not really an issue with me. So I can kick it in the butt.

Once again, thanks for reading J

You are beautiful.

I mean that ;) 

So loved, so loved.

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