Thursday, February 17, 2011

7 hour chats with two cool dudes. (Hint: Jesus is one of them.)

February 18, 2011

What a day. 
Morgan and I did indeed go running… but I think I’m getting consistently WORSE. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?!?! Ugh. I’ll get better over time… I think….
Then was intercom. Ohhh intercom. I gave my presentation today on the Muslim culture and realized that I really love talking in front of people… good to know! I kept everyone laughing, so I felt it was positive J
Unfortunately, I had serious breathing issues. And then I got MAD. I am SICK of not being able to BREATHE, for Pete’s sake! You HAVE to breathe to survive. I’m not even making that up. SIGH.
When intercom had FINISHED (happy dance!) I wrote my intercom 8 pager that’s due in a week and half. Ohhh yeah, I’m productive.
Until dinner, I stalked cool pictures online and started a gallery of awesome pictures I hope to replicate. It was TODAY that I decided I AM going to be a photographer. Yaaay, new life goal! J
Then at dinner, I ended up sitting next to Mackenzie, which is cool, cuz HE’S cool and I don’t get to talk with him much….
….. and we ended up talking for seven hours.
HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!!? It was totally an AMAZING, much needed God-talk/ time. Dude, Mackenzie. You are super duper cool. I am so grateful for you being here!
May I just point out something AWESOME: Mackenzie is planning to spend his birthday and two weeks around it as a homeless person to seek God and be able to understand poverty, living on $3 a day. A small snippet of how cool this guy is.
Yep. That was probably a highlight of my week.
And now, it is 1:30 in the morning and I am contemplating whether or not I’ll get up and get my butt kicked running. AGAIN… 
AH, life’s decisions!!!!

Well, anyway. I am crazy blessed. Gotta love a good God talk. 

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