Thursday, February 24, 2011

How He Loves Us

February 24, 2011

Ok, my run was AWESOME TODAY! I think part of it was when I woke up, I distinctly had the JOY of the LORD! Unmistakably! I thought, “Wow, I am SO blessed to be able to be in South Africa and have the freedom to go run to one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen!” I also discovered that this run will never be easy. So I might as well suck it up and RUN as hard as I can! So today, I ran the most I ever have! I was so happy! There are not many things that give you as much satisfaction as knowing you conquered a physical feat! Oh yeah, ridin’ high. Woot!

We finished Slumdog Millionaire in Intercom today. SO GOOD!!! What a MAGNIFICENT FILM!!!! I am in awe!!!!

Yep, one more notch WOULD do it, Clive. You know, it’s so funny. Whenever we’re supposed to have a group discussion, it turns into Storytime with Clive. Hmm… Sometimes I wonder if he is trying to fill our four hours of class time with sheer words.

Invictus is SO MUCH BETTER after you’ve been to South Africa. Before, I found it great, but somewhat slow. But now I realize that it truly captures the great struggle the new South Africa faced. AH! So accurate!!! Nelson Mandela was SUCH an excellent man. Wow. But I did notice that Morgan Freeman’s pronunciation of “a’s” are slightly off. Ha. I think it’s funny that I can catch that.

“Forgiveness liberates the soul. It gets rid of fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon.”

I really, really love it here.

For lunch we had ZULU BREAD!!!! The best thing in the WHOLE WORLD!!!!!! Jumping for JOY!!! I stole a piece for later J

Zach and I decided to go for a walk in the reserve. GREAT talk! Pretty much about Jesus… This kid is super wise. I always learn so much about the Lord and myself when talking to him! Thanks, Zach J

I am joining the Friday worship team tomorrow. We are singing two of the BEST SONGS EVER:

You Never Let Go (my theme song)
How He Loves Us (written on the cover of my Bible—courtesy of Francesca Fromang):

He is jealous for me

Love's like a hurricane,

I am a tree 

Bending beneath the weight of 
His wind and mercy 

When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory 

and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great your affections are for me. 

 Oh, how He loves us  

Oh, how He loves us 

How He loves us

We are His portion and 
He is our prize, 

Drawn to redemption 
by the grace in His eyes 

If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking 

So heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss
and my heart turns 
violently inside of my chest 

I don't have time to maintain these regrets
when I think about the way 

He loves us,

Oh, how He loves us

Oh, how He loves us

OH, how He loves 

This is something the Lord is teaching me, specifically today.

It shall be lovely.


And I love my life.

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