Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cat Wars, Midterms and Songs, OH MY

Feb 16 
So last night, I come in from class, and THERE, chilling on my bed, is AE’s cat, Tigger. SURPRISE!! It was so cute! I have a cat at home, but he is kind of evil. I call him Sadaam. This furry freak of nature hides behind corners and ATTACKS me whenever I walk by! Not anyone else, mind you. Just me. So, as I have been in an abusive relationship with my own cat, this was QUITE a surprise. However, trouble brewed, as another chalet became jealous. Apparently, Tigger normally sleeps with THEM, but, obviously he has chosen ME and my rocking chalet. SO THERE. This is what ensued:
(DISCLAIMER: Andrew Murray is the name of the competing chalet. Mojalefa is the official name for my chalet.)
walked into her room to find one of AE's cats sleeping on her bed! Thanks Deb. :)
         Deborah Amy Auda likes this.           
            Amanda 'Wildcat' Torres noooooooo thats not your cat!
Yesterday at 8:19pm · Like · 1 person           
            Sophia Horton it's never leaving!

Yesterday at 8:20pm · Like           
            Amanda 'Wildcat' Torres and her name is least we know her name...
            this is war freshman23 hours ago · Like           
            Jessie Swires its on freshman, we will get our kitty back!!!!.. a battle to the death!!! haha23 hours ago · Like           
            Mary Bette Forte ‎... she belongs to andrew murray! Lols

23 hours ago · Like           
            Miranda Tiede Mojalefa is epic, and the Cat, Tiger, knows it. And Y'all don't be hatin' on the freshy, she will lull you to sleep with her awesome musicality and then destroy you. Also, Canada is on her side...and so is Jesus.23 hours ago · Like           
            Sophia Horton and texas. boom! dream team!

23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person           
            Renna Nightingale YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL "YOUR" CAT'S NAME!!! IT'S "TIGGER!" Obviously the ownership should be passed to the LITERATE!
            Plus, actually California. Not just for college, but like, generations of Californians.
                        PS: Miranda, BEST part of my dayyy!!!!

Pretty epic, right? And I got the last word. BAM.

Random greatness: I am thankful for febreeze and everyone loves my overalls J

In History and Culture, we watched a film about Steve Byko, portrayed by Denzel Washington. It’s an incredibly accurate film about apartheid. If you’re interested, check it out. However, you must be a sleuth, spy, or sneak, because I don’t know the name of the film. Good one, Ren.

The bulk of my day was spent studying for my Zulu midterm. Amazingly, I wasn’t really stressed (until the VERY end.) It was a miracle!!! I am ALWAYS stressed about Zulu!

I must grant some credit for this phenomenon to Kayla! Ohmygoodness, you guys. Kayla is SO amazing!!! I knew we would get along when we sat together that fateful day in church. She was a dancer-turned-nurse and has been to Spain and India already! She is quite possibly one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out! I have truly found a sister in Christ and I am SO happy!!! Yesterday, we having a deep talk, and I happened to mention I am kind of freaking out about my Zulu test. This morning, I am studying, and she comes in with this BEAUTIFUL note!! Completely MADE my day!!! I am quite grateful she is also in my D-Group! Yay! Praise the Lord for this wonderful person J.

When I got back from lunch, my awesome chalet mate, Kristina, was vacuuming. She isn’t a huge fan of the way things are vacuumed here. I saw this as an opportunity to clean the corners of my room (ANYTHING to NOT study ANYMORE). And then it turned into a photo op. And then Deb remarked that I reminded her of this lovely lady:

and so this is what happened. Hoorayy!!!

The zulu midterm was pretty chill. I am super grateful I studied, tho! I won’t find out my grade for about two weeks. Which is FINE with me.

I am sure you are DYING to know why I won’t have class for two weeks. Well, I would HATE to keep you in suspense…

My teacher is going on a vacation. So…



I had a fantastic day. Thanks to some encouragement from Kayla, and some all around amazing people, my day was infused with joy.

This is my Hallelujah song. 

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