Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ngiyahlala Ecabazini

(I stay at a Zulu Homestead)

April 6, 2011

The world woke up to a very happy Ren today J

For breakfast, we all went to Coffeeberry!!! IT WAS SO GOOD. I got a Nutella and strawberry crepe. HALLELUJAH. That is all I have to say. AH. THE MEMORY STILL HAUNTS.

On the way home, we had a dance party on the bus! SO fun! I haven’t laughed so hard in a while.

I LOVE THIS GROUP. I can’t say it enough.

When we got back from Coffeeberry, we packed super fast for Zulu Experience. We knew virtually NOTHING about it. But, hey. We are pioneers! We are adventurers! We look life square in the face and DARE it to throw the unexpected at us! So WHAT could a Zulu Experience possibly do to us to catch us offguard? Pshh. We got this guys.

Zulu Experience consists of spending two half days and a night in a legitimate Zulu homestead. It was epic! Everything was exactly how it is in any normal Zulu village, meaning there was no electricity. The only thing they had that is not normally in a Zulu village is a bathroom. HALLELUJAH!!

We toured Zulu huts and discovered Zulu traditions. It was so muddy!!! I stole Bethany’s rain boots. And BOY am I glad I did! WHEW!!! There was mud and cow dung everywhere. Guess how they repair cracks in the floor? They cover it with cow dung. But it works, people!

Something I learned: just because a way is foreign, new, or provincial to me doesn’t make it wrong. There are SO many amazing benefits to the simple Zulu way of life. Who the heck am I to think that because I live so much more materialistically that MY ways are better?! They are just different ways. One is not right while the other is wrong. It was cool to see this J That’s been a theme for me in Mpophomeni too.

At dinner, I had my first bit of alcohol. (Sorry, Mom!) It was .01% alcohol, so it didn’t really count, and it was in Africa, and I had the TINIEST sip ever. Don’t worry, Mom and Dad. I shan’t be having alcohol again soon. It was GROSS. Everyone told me it was a better tasting beer. ICK. If THAT’S what beer tastes like, I want NOTHING to do with it! BLEH.

After, they taught us how to Zulu dance! It was so fun!

Then we were free to roam. We played Mafia again. Can’t say I’m the hugest fan of that game. But I DID convince everyone I was the inspector even when I wasn’t which was uber fun J

The stars were EXTRAORDINARY!!!! AH! So glorious.

Shayna and I had a great talk.

Then we went to sleep in our Alice in Wonderland sized hut. Yes, it was a legitimate hut. We slept on mattresses on the floor. I thought I was going to be freezing, but I was fine! Surprisingly warm.

I needed a bit of encouragement as I went to sleep, and Malachi wasn’t doing it for me, so I opened my Bible up to Isaiah, meaning to find Psalms. “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.” SIGH. Thanks, Lord J

The Lord is renewing my strength J

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